Is Dr Andrew Snelling Bringing His Profession into Disrepute?
Andrew Snelling B.Sc.(Hons), Ph.D is an Australian and a qualified geologist. According to his biography he " ... completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Geology with First Class Honours at The University of New South Wales in Sydney ... ".
Andrew Snelling B.Sc.(Hons), Ph.D is also a leading creationist who, despite his scientific qualifications in geology, believes the Earth is only several thousand years old. He is employed as a "Creationist Assistant Professor of Geology" by the Institute for Creation Research in the USA.
Andrew Snelling B.Sc.(Hons), Ph.D, as his biography states, worked in the exploration and mining industries in Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and the Northern Territory and has been involved in research projects with the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) and ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation).
His biography also states that he has been involved in research with Australian, US, British, Japanese and Swedish scientists as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency.
None of this would be at all surprising if Andrew Snelling B.Sc.(Hons), Ph.D was a working geologist operating within the ethics of his discipline, nor would it be surprising that, again according to his biography, " ... Andrew is involved in writing scientific papers that are being published in international scientific journals.".
But it IS surprising! It's surprising that a geologist who obtained his qualifications writing about billion year old rocks and later accepting " ... work in the exploration and mining industries in Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and the Northern Territory variously as a field, mine and research geologist.", continues to tout his qualifications and prostitute his learning in order to convince the gullible that mainstream geology is wrong and only geology as practised by Andrew Snelling B.Sc.(Hons), Ph.D is valid.
It's not that Andrew Snelling B.Sc.(Hons), Ph.D has abandoned mainstream geology altogether for, to quote from his biography once more, " ... he is still called upon as a geological consultant to Cogema Australia Pty Ltd for their Koongarra uranium project."
As Dr Alex Ritchie wrote in his article Flood geology: a house built on sand (below):
If any geologist were to be caught salting a deposit, falsifying results or engaging in other forms of behaviour likely to bring his/her discipline into disrepute, they would be promptly dealt with by their peers.
In my opinion it is equally abhorrent for anyone claiming to be a professional geoscientist to indulge in deliberately misleading and deceptive conduct aimed directly at lay audiences and especially at young people.
Will the Real Dr Snelling Please
Stand Up?
Dr Alex Ritchie
Flood geology: a house
built on sand
Dr Alex Ritchie