Dr Kevin R. Henke exposes John Woodmorappe's fraudulent attacks on radiometric dating and reveals other creationist misrepresentations
Dr Kevin R. Henke
Dr. Kevin R. Henke has a Ph.D in geology from the University of North Dakota (i.e., South Canada).
He is now with the University of Kentucky, USA.
If you have questions about any of the essays on this page you can email the author at krhenk2@pop.uky.edu
Because the results of 40Ar-39Ar, K-Ar and other radiometric dating methods refute their antiquated Biblical interpretations, young-Earth creationists (YECs) are desperate to undermine the reliability of these methods. YEC John Woodmorappe (a pseudonym) is infamous for scouring hundreds of scientific references to find quotations that he believes dispute the accuracy of radiometric dating. However, when his quotations and references are viewed in context, they usually fail to support his claims and often refute them. Woodmorappe and his allies utterly fail to realize that misquoting large QUANTITIES of references does NOT produce QUALITY arguments. Bigger is not necessarily better.
Woodmorappe's 1999 book, The Mythology [sic!] of Modern Dating Methods, is no exception to his ability to thoroughly misrepresent the scientific literature.
--Dr Kevin R. HenkeHiding the Numbers to Defame Radiometric Dating
A Few Examples of the Many Misused References in Woodmorappe (1999)
Dr Kevin R. Henke
How Can
Woodmorappe Sell Us a Bill of Goods if He
Doesn't Know the Costs?
Dr Kevin R. Henke
Woodmorappe's Shell Game:
Refuted with Literature from his Creationist Allies
Dr Kevin R. Henke
Chopping a
Title Hides the Truth
Dr Kevin R. Henke
Belittling Distortions of the Lu-Hf Method
Dr Kevin R. Henke
Important Statements on Radiometric Dating in Woodmorappe's References that He Doesn't Want You to See
Dr Kevin R. Henke
Classic Misquotations in Woodmorappe (1999)
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Woodmorappe Can't
Read Rb-Sr Diagrams
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
How Serious are
Errors in Ar40-Ar39 Dates and How Good are
Their Monitoring Standards?
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Shotgun Attack on 40Ar-39Ar Dating:
Many Misses and Few Hits
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Subjective Creationism and
Not So Subjective Radiometric Dating
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Not So
Subjective Ar-Ar Spectra and Not so Objective Biblical Interpretations
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Has NOTHING Good to Say about
Radiometric Dating
The Absurd Newspeak of
Woodmorappe's 'Creation Science'
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Lead Isotope Dates and the Age of the
Quotes Comrades Skobelin, Sharapov and Bugayov
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
A Young-Earth Creationist
Fieldtrip: An Example of Cultic Religious
Indoctrination and NOT Learning
Kevin R. Henke
Blind Leading the Blind: Austin, Snelling and Swenson Misinterpret Dalrymple's K-Ar
Dating of Historical Volcanics
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Creationist 'Dating' of a Mt. St. Helens Dacite:
The Failure of Austin and Swenson to Recognize Obviously
Ancient Minerals
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Rats in RATE's
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
More Rats in RATE:
Putting Biblical Dogmatism and the
Expectations of Sponsors Above Legitimate Science
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
"RATE" Leaders Abandon Geologic Fantasies and Admit that Extensive Radioactive Decay has Occurred
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
It'll Take a Miracle to Save their "Science"
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
A Review of Young Earth Creationist M.J. Oard's "Flood
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Ager's Opinion
of Young-Earth Creationists
No Evidence of Recent
Volcanism on the Moon
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Recent Impacts on the
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
If All Elephants and Other
Proboscideans are "One Kind", Why Can't All Primates be "One Kind"?
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
"Answers" in Genesis'
Inconsistencies in Endorsing Myths
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
There's Nothing New in
the Sun
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Actualism Versus Outdated Young-Earth Creationist Views of Niagara Falls
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
How Many Mammoth Remains Exist?
Radically Conflicting
"Answers" from "Answers" In Genesis
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
"Stratigraphy": Rediscovering What Geologists Already Know
and Strawperson
Misrepresentations of Modern Applications of Steno's Principles
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Guy Berthault's response to Kevin Henke's essay above
Some Questions for Dr. Berthault
Kevin R. Henke
Dr. Berthault is Not a Creationist, Why Do His Supporters Say Otherwise?
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Young-Earth Creationist Distortions of the Paleoenvironments of the
Clarkia Fossil Beds, Idaho, USA
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Subjectivity and No Definitive Answers in the Bible
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Ken Ham's
Misconceptions about Opals
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Earth Creationists' Hypocrisy on Discrimination
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Snelling's Doublethink
Seeps into the Young-Earth Creationist Literature
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
The Origin of Iodine-129: By Physics or Fantasies?
Kevin R. Henke
Sarfati's Inconsistent
Views on Photon Transmissions between Stars
and in the Sun's Interior
Kevin R. Henke
Young-Earth Creationist Helium Diffusion "Dates"
(off site)
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Fallacies Based on Bad Assumptions and Questionable
More Nonsense on "TRUE.ORIGINS":
Jonathan Sarfati's Support Of Flood Geology (off
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Kevin Henke
discusses some of the problems in Sarfati's response
and provides additional reasons why "Flood geology" is bogus
Another Study Undermines
Woodmorappe's Crapshoot
Kevin R. Henke
Controversies Related to the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Provide
No Comfort to Young-Earth Creationists
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Creationist Mumbo Jumbo at Dinosaur National Monument
Dr. Kevin R. Henke
Burdick's Pollen: Just Something to Sneeze At
Dr. Kevin R. Henke