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Foolishness in Cobb County, Georgia

John Stear

Recently the Cobb County, Georgia, Board of Education joined the ranks of school boards in the United States who have in the past flirted or are currently flirting with creationists. The seven member board released a "carefully worded policy" which states in part:

"The Cobb County School District believes that discussion of disputed views of academic subjects is a necessary element of providing a balanced education, including the study of the origin of the species,” the policy reads. “This subject remains an area of intense interest, research and discussion among scholars."

The board chairman went on to say:

"the Board is not considering requiring, permitting or promoting the teaching of creationism or other faith-based ideas of origin of the species in science classrooms."

In response to the concerns of some present who believed that if implemented the policy would "make a laughing stock out of an otherwise well- respected school district." the chairman replied:

"Certainly, I'm concerned about that. Hopefully, people will realize that we are trying to have an intelligent discussion, and do what is best for the students of Cobb County."

In support of the ridiculous notion that creationism's thoroughly discredited theories be taught alongside evolutionary science, a widely syndicated columnist, Cal Thomas, wrote urging the school board to teach both "views" and let the students decide.  Mr Thomas needs to be reminded that evolution is not a "view" but is a scientific fact supported by overwhelming evidence.

Go here to read Cal Thomas' column.

Below are three responses to Mr Thomas' simplistic and unscientific views.

A Response to Columnist Cal Thomas
Jon M. Bauman

Faulty biblical literalism doesn't belong in schools
Gary L. Bennett

Don't try to mix science, creationism (off site)
Daniel J. Phelps

Ga. school board OKs alternatives to evolution

Selman v. Cobb County: court battle over creationism


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